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5 Ways to Grow Your Doula Business

Are you coasting along, getting enough doula work to tick over but not it’s not coming through in abundance? If so then this blog is for you. As you know, here at Doula Near Me, we are dedicated to ‘doulaing the doula’, which means we go above and beyond to help support you to grow your business. We have 5 ideas that if you aren’t already doing we recommend you check out. Whether you are just starting out as a doula or have been in the birth business for years we all still need to find ways in which to connect with new clients. Most of us are small business owners and so don’t have huge marketing budgets yet we still need to grow…

Use CANVA for your Socials

CANVA is an excellent online tool that allows you to create impressive visuals for your socials without having to employ a graphic designer or spend hours learning how to use publishing software. If like us, you’ve ever tried to master a design tool like Adobe Photoshop, you will know that it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and like you need a super publisher to create social posts, brochures and newsletters. CANVA makes life simple! You can create a free account and start creating content today. Click here to get started. We LOVE using CANVA and appreciate the value it brings to our business, so we have a *Business Boost session, focussed on using CANVA planned for you in the coming months. Keep an eye out on the member’s event calendar for further details.

Use Hashtags

Once you’ve successfully used CANVA to create professional-looking socials you will want your efforts to be seen far and wide. We all know that trying to master the algorithm of various social media platforms is like searching for the holy grail! However, the use of relevant hashtags is a way in which to consistently reach a wider audience. Crafting hashtag lists that work well for your posts can take time and effort and because we know that a doula will always prioritise their time and effort to support clients we’ve done the hard work for you. Within the Doula Near Me membership site, you will find our Hashtag Directory for birth workers. If you are not already a member and would like to join click here.

Spring Clean Your Website

When was the last time you logged on and viewed your website as if through the eyes of a potential client? If it’s not within the last 3 months then now is the time to do it. Go through every page. Consider whether you are still happy with the copy or has your practice evolved since you wrote your website pages. Do you have any photos or images that show you doing your doula work, that could be used to replace a couple of the stock images on your site and give potential clients a glimpse of you in action? You should check that all links still work and that none have become broken. As well as checking that all your CTA functions are still working, especially the ‘contact me’ functionality…. (learnt from experience (Nicola blushes!)) 

Don’t forget to make sure that any changes you make look good across different devices so check changes on computer/laptop/tablet/phone view within your website design platform.

Spend a few minutes and list the 10 keywords you would like your website to rank for and then make sure that these words are used regularly across your site copy and meta-data fields. If that’s beginning to sound a bit too technical, don’t worry. We’ve got a Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) *Business Boost session coming soon.

Your website is equivalent to a retail storefront. It needs to be in good condition and appealing to potential clients.  

Develop an Email Marketing Plan

When someone shows interest in your business do you nurture them with a set of introductory emails? Do you produce regular newsletters or articles to send to them so you are regularly in their inbox? If not, it’s time to start. Most of us have witnessed the odd small business or two reach meteoric success using only Facebook or Instagram to reach their audience but the reward is not without risk; without warning social media platforms can remove accounts, change community guidelines or even just cease to be, leaving businesses, who don’t own their own contacts list, without a business overnight. When you take the time to build your email list, you future-proof your business. Is anyone else reading this and thinking what we’re thinking....Do we need a Business Boost session on Email Marketing?

Host a Giveaway

If you’re looking to create a buzz around your social media channel, hosting a giveaway can be a great way to get eyeballs on your business. You might want to consider giving away a product or service of your own, which is great and makes sense. However, we know from experience that really successful campaigns tend to revolve around a mainstream gift such as an iTunes voucher or high street store gift card. 

Before you launch any kind of giveaway on social media make sure you check out their rules around competitions and work within the guidelines to ensure your account remains safe.

Feel free to come on over to the Doula Near Me Membership Facebook group and share with us if you’ve tried any of these methods and tell us what worked best for you.  


*Business Boost is a monthly business coaching session for Doula Near Me members.


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